Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ARMM – Where a Worst Disaster is Waiting to Happen

R. de Silva
June 19, 2011

                For several days now many places in Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao have been flooded due to clogging of the Rio Grande de Mindanao, the main river system in the island, by the water hyacinths or popularly known as water lilies, which make the flood water go to the lowlands instead of going to the sea. For many years, these floodings have been happening to the region during the rainy season but actions to solve the main cause of such natural and man-made disaster are so slow. Concerned government agencies and officials in the area are often seen working on a solution during the actual floodings and not before or after them. But this year’s floodings have been the worst in the sense that more areas are affected and more people are dislocated/evacuated. And the government has to declare a state of calamity to these areas.

                But a disaster worst than these floods is about to happen in the region. It is purely a “man made” disaster and it is both political and moral disaster. For several weeks already both houses of Congress had approved their separate bills for the postponement and synchronization of ARMM elections in 2013 midterm elections. “Political hyacinths” have blocked the river of democracy so that the people in the ARMM “low lands or from the South” could not exercise their basic rights to vote and choose their own leaders. The bills for the postponement aka synchronization have been identified by the PNoy Administration as urgent but surprisingly up to now no law to this effect has been signed by the President.

                Earlier the House version (H B 4146) was really reflective of the Presidential wish – that is the August 8, 2011 ARMM elections would be postponed and the President would appoint his chosen officials who will serve up to May 2013 but who could not run for elections in these synchronized elections. The Senate version (SB 2756) is almost the same (as carried through by the four (4) Liberal Party Senators) but these appointed officials by the President could still run for May 2013 synchronized elections. And it seems that the House had agreed with the Upper chamber’s version. If a law will be signed by the President which is already in the bag, then the PNoy administration and its anointed ones  has never had it so good to have their cake and eat it too. It will simply be worst than the martial law period and even during the President Corazon C. Aquino’s revolutionary constitution.

Indeed a disaster waiting to happen in ARMM.

                Peoples in the ARMM, no matter one classifies the region as a failed political project, do not deserve such preventable disaster. In fact, many of them wonder why no law has been signed yet when the President and his advisers have been campaigning for the postponement since last year  because it is so urgent. Of course people have understood that the President and his advisers are buying their time now hoping to dissipate and defuse peoples anger and disappointment by the time a law will be signed. Of course the people in the ARMM are aware that the President  and his advisers are weighing their chances and that proper time should be observed because they (PNoy and his advisers) are aware of the constitutional and moral infirmities and limitations  of the about to be signed law. And of course PNoy and his advisers should have the law just in time for the Second State of the Nation Address (SONA) where he will present the approved law and his anointed ones but most important of all is that they (PNoy and his advisers) want that the people who will question the law’s constitutionality to the Supreme Court and bringing the moral legitimacy of the law to the people will lost their time. Meanwhile PNoy and his advisers are testing the waters for their anointed ones.

Testing the Political Ground

                It has been said that by the end of this month, President Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) will announce his chosen one as acting governor of ARMM  in the next 21 months. In fact, the other day it was announced that PNoy has already endorsed his anointed one. Only to be denied by Malacañang the next day and nothing has been heard since then. It has been obvious that the President’s men and women were just testing the ground. Especially so that their chosen one has never been so popular even in his island province where he lost his gubernatorial bid in May 2010 elections. Before 2010, the anointed one had also got dismal votes in the province as a Partylist representative. How he has been chosen by the President only his Adviser on Political Affairs can answer. But definitely not because the latter would want to discover new politics in the former but it should be to the outmost advantage of the opportunities (political as well as personal) for the partisan interest of the Political affairs adviser. It should be noted that the Partylist of the Presidential Adviser on Political Affairs has not been visible in the ARMM especially in the Bangsamoro population. It is the best and safest way in selecting somebody not known to be a member of one’s Partylist group and yet because the chosen one will be beholden to the anointing one, he will be serving the interest of the anointing authority. Of course PNoy will be the formal anointing authority but he will only select from the list provided by the so called selecting committee all of whom are not from Mindanao and definitely not from ARMM but have been acting as experts on Mindanao and ARMM and one of these “experts” is the Political Affairs Adviser.

                The June 16, 2011 announcement and the denial of the anointed has been part of the whole scheme planned and executed by PNoy and his advisers. It should be noted that as early as late last year and early this year the allies of the Presidential Adviser on Political Affairs have been going around and preparing the ground for the anointment of their selected candidate for OIC of ARMM which means they had to work hard to invent reasons for the postponement of the August 8, 2011 ARMM elections so that PNoy can short cut the political process. They even made the criteria for the selection of their candidate. They had arranged audience and signed agreement with Moro revolutionary groups in order to support their moves for the appointment of their candidate. They also have initiated and launched civil society groups and movements to support their candidate and paint a picture that their candidate is not from the traditional politics (trapos) because they put as one of the criteria for the ARMM governor who should not be identified as trapo. One has just to look at the list of member organizations of the so called civil society movements for reform in ARMM and one can easily identify that not so few of these are identified with the Party of the Presidential Adviser on Political Affairs. This makes people even think if the “Political Affairs” here actually refers to the activities of the Political Party of the said Advoser. So when the June 16, 2011 announcement came that PNoy has endorsed a former Partylist representative as OIC ARMM governor, not so many were surprised except of course Malacañang and the so called advisers who immediately denied the “Presidential Endorsement”.

The Need for Political and Moral Closures

                The people of the ARMM are still giving the PNoy administration the benefit of the doubt  in its aim to curb if not eliminate corruption during its term. This is the main reason why many of them would want to have the elections in August 8, 2011 since this is supposed to be the first one for a regional election after the Ampatuans. After all they want to prove that democracy could have worked hand in hand with autonomy after the autocratic reign of the Ampatuans as supported by the former Arroyo administration. In fact, the people of ARMM have put their hope in the PNoy administration to be not only a complete opposite of the previous administration but would respect and help them nurture democracy and have autonomy grown fully bloomed. But before the people of ARMM will completely lost this hope for the PNoy administration they want some closures on the following but not limited to these issues.

                The 2007 Batasan Bombing

                The barbaric act had happened almost four years ago but it has big implication to ARMM today. It is because the person who is about to be appointed as OIC of ARMM was implicated among others. The obvious object of the bombing was the sitting representative of the island province and all the rest who were murdered with him are just collateral damage. Not so few were maimed and wounded but they too were part of the collateral. It is not a secret that the murdered representative was the main political stumbling block of the traditional politicians in the island province. In fact, during his murder,  he had just defeated a brother of the Presidential anointed one in the 2007 congressional elections in the province. After almost four years, nothing seems to happen except that Presidential anointed one was cleared by the former Secretary Raul Gonzalez of the Department of Justice to the surprise of the prosecutors of the case. The former Deputy Speaker – Jerry Salapudin – was issued a warrant of his arrest but up to now nothing has been heard regarding the status of his case. Surely he has many stories to tell about the bombing. The first cousin of the anointed one (the same family name) was arrested but he got his self released and nothing has been heard of about his whereabouts.

                Given the context of how justice had been dispensed of the past DOJ of the previous administration, the people of ARMM would want to revisit the case. With the person about to be appointed in the highest executive position in ARMM, the people especially the victims deserve nothing less. The closure of this issue will be rights step of PNoy and his administration in walking with the people in ARMM on “Daang Matuwid”.

                The Issue on Ombudsman

                The issue is related to the actuations of the Anointed one during his time as a Partylist Representative. An issue on Fund disbursements was raised by the Anointed one’s party mates showing a lopsided preference to his island province. People came to know about the issue because when it was first raised within the partylist concerned the Anointed one simply dissolved the legitimate Council which he had participated in its election as written document would show and formed his own council. The partylist asked the House to investigate and the issue has reached the Ombudsman. There was investigation conducted and the several barangays leaders were said to sign affidavits that indeed anomalies happened. Some of them were kept silent and some simply disappeared. Meanwhile just like in the DOJ, nothing has happened to the investigation conducted by the Ombudsman. And meanwhile, harassments and warrant of arrests were received by the Officials of the Partylist concerned.

                If PNoy and his administration is serious in minimizing if not eradicating graft and corruption during his term, the people in ARMM do not deserve having this kind of an anointed one even for a day.

The Presidential Blinks 

                Some very revealing moments were observed during the Senate deliberation of SB 2756. There were clear moments when PNoy and his advisers were not sure of the Senate’s approval of the proposed bill and the COMELEC had to extend several times the deadline of the filing of certificates of candidacy, PNoy and his advisers had to let their anointed one to file his certificate of candidacy in the last minute. This was a problematic stage, because they (PNoy and his advisers) had to campaign that no reforms could be instituted if the elections were not postponed or synchronized  in 2013 and yet they had to make sure that their anointed one would be there if ever elections will not be postponed. This is still the game plan of PNoy and his advisers, just in case the Supreme Court will see the constitutional darkness of the synchronization of elections. But anyway, this has put into question of their belief that if 2011 elections will push through no genuine reforms could take place in ARMM.

                In the pre-approval of the SB2756 PNoy and his advisers had even to meet and convince the ARMM governors and officials to support their anointed one. This was the meeting that Gov. Toto Mangudadatu was describing in June 16 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

                Legal and technical questions were raised by some Senators about possible appointments for OICs in the executive and legislative branches of those who filed their certificates of candidacy for the positions in pre June 6 2011 period.For some people these candidates do not believe that reforms in ARMM could only be possible after the synchronized elections in  2013. These people, including the anointed one manifested by filing his certificate of candidacy that reforms in the region can only be possible if these are supported by the people in ARMM during the August 2011 scheduled elections .

                Unless of course, the act of filing the certificate of candidacy is purely opportunistic in the part of the anointed one just to make sure that he would not be technically out of the ARMM gubernatorial race, knowing that the support of PNoy and his advisers could make miracles and what had been agreed or made sure by the May 30, 2011 meeting between the PNoy and his advisers and the ARMM governors.

                In the next few days and weeks, a worst disaster is waiting to happen in ARMM unless the people in ARMM will translate their opposition to the postponement of 2011 election to an “Arab type” movement finding their own TAHRIR in this issue. Unless the Supreme Court will bravely point out the glaring error in Pnoy and his advisers thinking of Autocracy in exchange of Autonomy and unless the PNoy blinks again…

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ARMM: Where Democracy was Murdered

By R. de Silva
June14, 2011

The administration of President Noynoy Aquino (PNOY) has put the postponement of ARMM election in August 8, 2011 and synchronize it to 2013 election one of its priority bills. The reasons for the postponement have been varied depending on the various views o f the Presidential Advisers whose common denominator is closeness to the president but all of them are not from Mindanao. The House of Representatives had immediately passed House Bill  (HB) 4146 and the Senate had just passed the Senate Bill (DB) 2756 (June 6, 2011) just before they adjourned their session “sine die”. This unfortunate approval by both houses of congress was done because of the pressure of the President himself using the magic of the pork barrel and despite of the overwhelming resistance and disapproval of the majority of the people not only in ARMM but in the whole country as shown by the result of the survey conducted by Social Weather Station (SWS) as early as first week of March 2011. Fifty one percent (51%) of the respondents did not favor the postponement of ARMM election did not agree and only twenty four percent (24%) favored it.
                The President’s pressure was so strong and intense that the governors in ARMM had to change this views many times but they finally stood for elections just before the Senate decided to postpone it. The COMELEC because of the same pressure had to postpone the filing of candidacy of those running for different positions in the ARMM several times.

Almost a Year After… How life has changed in ARMM for the worst!
                It has not been a year yet since PNoy became the President because of his pledge to the people who voted for him that he would be complete opposite to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) and that he would follow the wishes and wisdom of the people.  In fact in his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) he stated that the people will be his boss (Kayo po ang Boss ko!). And now, less than a year after PNoy is acting just like,  if not worse than his predecessors including the Dictator Marcos who was ousted by the people and put his (PNOY) mother into the presidency and whose legacy including his late father Senator Ninoy Aquino, has made PNoy got the highest mandate of the people in 2010 elections.
                In PNoy’s  speech during the 113th Celebration of the Philippine Independence, he had emphasized that freedom without dignity is not worth it but dignity without democracy is unthinkable or freedom without democracy is simply a fallacy.
                How can the people of ARMM live with dignity when democracy has been hijacked by those people they put in power to help them guard and nurture it?.
                How can the people of ARMM live with dignity when democracy has been murdered by those people  who claimed to be the bearer of its light because they have been direct beneficiaries of it? Why are the peoples of ARMM punish by depriving to them democracy because reforms should be in place before they can genuinely and democratically chose their own leaders? And the worst is that, PNoy and his advisers as well as supporters are trying to say the people of ARMM do not want reforms now as if having elections as set by law (RA. 9333) would mean people would want to continue with the Ampatuan way of governance and block voting style  during elections. As if having elections as scheduled the people of ARMM would not want that the billions of pesos or dollars which came in the region would not be audited and have people be accountable to them. As if having ARMM election in August 2011 would not provide the proper atmosphere to the ongoing talks between the Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). No, in fact, the people of ARMM want the opposite. They want clean and honest elections that is why they want  that as part of the preparation the COMELEC should be cleansed first before they (COMELEC) can clean the voters’ list. In fact, the people of ARMM wants more than the cleansing, they want to see the people in COMELEC punish and jail for rigging the 2004, 2007 and 2010 elections and not put them in charge of the elections synchronized or unsynchronized ones. And in fact, the people of ARMM would not just want to stop the Ampatuan’s style of block voting they would want to see the Ampatuans and the  their supporters all arrested, put into trial and sent to jail for murdering the votes of the people of ARMM for so many years and for the Maguinadanao massacre which they did to continue their rule in the region unchallenged. And in fact, the people of ARMM would want to see all those responsible in creating and protecting the Ampatuans arrested, put into trial and punish by at least jailing them or buried them alive using the backhoes which buried the 53 innocent people murdered in Maguindanao last November 23, 2009. Then and only then can genuine reforms be instituted by PNoy with the people and not apart from them but definitely excluding the Presidential  Advisers and their anointed ones.
                The people of ARMM would want to see PNOY and his Administration not just be different from the previous administration but should be far better in terms of looking into their interests. And this is best implemented by active participation of the people themselves. Reforms even for the best intention  for  the peoples’ interest without the people whose names have been used for such reforms are not sustainable to say the least but worst because it is dictatorial in essence. To have reforms  from above is not only dreaming but  it is as if trying to hit the moon from Malacanang.
                After almost a year in office, PNOY and his advisers should stop blaming the past GMA administration for the failures or inaction of today. They should not be conscious of their present works for  the next administration not to have the same difficult situation than they have had. They should focus their works to answer today’s burning issues of poverty, hunger and corruption and proactively work for the sustainable and holistic solution. Then the positive impact of these actions for the next generations and administrations will be in place. In short, PNOY and his advisers should altogether stop blaming the past for the woes and miseries  of peoples today and should immediately wake up from daydreaming  for making the works of the next administration as difficult  as he has after GMA.  They should come to their senses and work with the people to solve the problem or at least alleviate of hunger by almost a third of the population (more than 50% in ARMM). They should focus to solve or at least minimize  the problem of unemployment which affect almost  50% of the total labor force and develop alternative but sustainable livelihood so that the unending exodus of our precious human resources leaving the country (almost 5,000 workers leave the country everyday looking for work anywhere in the world). These modern  “exoducians” can definitely help the country more than the other countries which exploit them.
                They should focus to understand the historical complexities and current realities of Mindanao in order to make a step towards building sustainable, people centered and community based peace in Mindanao in particular and the country in general. PNOY  should not only listen to his non-Mindanaoan advisers who become instant experts on Mindanao but most especially to the voices of Mindanaoan on the ground.

And reforms in the ARMM for 21 months?
                PNoy and his advisers must be dreaming! Even if they put their most favorite friends in the different positions in the Region, they can never perform or even make a difference in the ARMM except maybe to prepare themselves for the 2013 elections (Senate version on the synchronization of the elections).
                The freezing of the assets and finances of the Ampatuans in the different banks for instance is again hollow  propaganda because everybody knows that the Ampatuans were and are not fan of the banks and if they did have money in the banks, these are not in their names. The Administration can better check the banks in specific period (just before the declaration of martial law in the province of Maguindanao and the City of Cotabato) and they can have a surprise in their lives. One of the managers of these banks had already died. But worst is that, freezing the Ampatuans’ assets, they have also frozen the  money intended for the ARMM budget the biggest part of which is for the personal services and salaries. Definitely a deliberate move to pressure the ARMM employees to submit themselves to the wishes of Malacanang. The moves are not hurting those officials who have enriched themselves in the region for they will always have their reserves. They are surely hitting the ordinary people working in the ARMM. 
                Included or inserted in the bill for the postponement and synchronization of elections in the ARMM in the authority for PNoy to appoint ARMM officials who will be in acting capacity to govern ARMM for the next twenty one months. These OICs will have greater advantage over the other candidates in 2013 because of these appointments. So when the political adviser of PNoy was saying over the radio during an interview just before the senate approved SB 2657, that the reason for synchronization of elections in 2013 would eliminate the undue advantage of the Administration candidate over the others (no administration candidate had ever lost in ARMM elections).He was eating his words.  Worst, he (political adviser) and two others (Sec, Ging Deles and Sec. Robredo) will be part of the screening committee for the appointees of PNoy. The process will make sure that their favorites (albeit past records) will be the ones who will be elected in 2013 elections. “Daang matuwid o daang mapanlinlang…? Make your choice…
                ARMM will have a full meaning consistent of the actuations of PNoy and his advisers, “A” stand for Aquino and should be read as Aquino Region for Muslim Mindanao. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

ARMM Elections and Reforms Plus

Richard de Silva
May 16, 2011

ARMM Election Postponement: A Political Set-up?

                Few days from today, the Senate will either give its approval or disapproval to the postponement of the ARMM election constitutionally fixed on 8 August 2011.

                The President (PNoy), has already convinced his partymates in the Senate including those who had been critical or against the reasons for the ARMM election postponement e.g. Sen. TJ Guingona to support the Malacañang position on the postponement.  The Liberal Party senators in return promised the President to convince other senators to support such political move.  They have at least ten (10) working days before they adjourned in the first week of June to convince and finalize the Senate position. It will be timed before the second State of the Nation (SONA) of PNoy to announce the selected political appointees for the ARMM that will serve until May 2013.

                Months before today, the political allies and parties of PNoy headed by his political adviser have been going around Mindanao convincing and telling the people that PNoy would postpone the August 8, 2011 ARMM elections.  Reasons given are: to give time for PNoy to institute reforms in the ARMM, to perform government auditing to the ARMM funds, to initiate political reforms so that powerful clans and warlords like the Ampatuans cannot control or influence the elections and to prepare the ARMM for the eventual peace agreement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

                The groups and political parties identified with PNoy’s political adviser has even given some sort of criteria for the political appointees who will occupy the posts of ARMM Executive Department from Governor down to the Department Secretariat and also those who will be in the Legislative Assembly.  And offers of appointments to the Executive and Legislative posts in the ARMM have convince not a few people to support and campaign for the August 8, 2011 ARMM election postponement.

Tailor-Fit Criteria

                Out of the criteria , one is very revealing or to whom will be the Presidential choice for  the gubernatorial position.  They said that the appointed governor will not be coming from the mainland  Mindanao (eliminate those who are Maranaos and the Maguindanaos) and must not be part of big political clans and traditional politicians (eliminate big and traditional politicians in the island provinces of the ARMM).  The position of the ARMM governor is tailored fit to a former Party-List representative who lost his gubernatorial bid in his island and a billiard buddy of PNoy.  He is also identified as a close ally of the Political Adviser of the President.

                The potential governor gets the nod of the Political Adviser of PNoy notwithstanding his almost dismal record as a Party-List representative, what he had done to the Party he represented, the issues of corruption he had been involved and worst his record in the House during the processes of the impeachment of GMA.  Aside from the first impeachment of GMA, all the other impeachment processes he made sure that he was absent as attested by PNoy’s Political Adviser himself, such kind of position as ordinary people would understood was tantamount to not supporting the GMA impeachment.

                Notwithstanding the abovementioned issues, through the active help of the Political Adviser, their favorite ARMM governor-to- be, has been advised to organize groups and movements to support his appointment especially from civil society to make an impression that he is not a traditional politician.  He led in organizing a group, whose aim is to reform the ARMM.  And he was also advised to get the support of the Chair of the MNLF and former ARMM Governor Nur Misuari.  They (favorite governor-to-be and Misuari) have already signed a memorandum of agreement that assures the  Misuari and his group will have a big and important role in the ARMM at least from August 2011 up to May 2013.  It will be significant to note that there have been talks with the MNLF factions with the presence of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) representatives to involve the MNLF in whatever arrangement in the ARMM and the eventual results of the peace agreement with the government and the MILF.

                It is very important to know about the abovementioned issues especially that the main reason for their moves for ARMM election is to reform ARMM and to prepare the people of ARMM  in the synchronized elections in 2013.

Reforms to Whom and by Whom?

                So what reforms are they talking about? To install their appointed government in order to curb if not eliminate graft and corruption in the ARMM?  To institute government audit and reforms in the ARMM during the term of appointed favorites? To ensure the likes of the Ampatuans will not influence the results of elections and the political reforms that PNoy wants to achieve?  Can this appointed politician do something on the faction of the MNLF or specifically with Misuari? And can the temporary officials do something to make the MILF accept the political mainstreaming of the PNoy government?

                In the campaigns initiated and launched by the proponents to postpone the ARMM election, they have been saying, that at present the people in the ARMM are not capable of voting their own candidates to the different positions in the ARMM. Therefore, for these anti-autonomy people, disguised  as ARMM reformers, there is an urgent need to reform the ARMM now so that it will be ready for 2013 elections.

                If the ARMM as an autonomous government is a failure now (has been a failure since the very beginning) who are to be blamed?  And can we assure that it can be corrected in the next two years by the PNoy appointed officials?

                Assuming based on the reason given by those who want to postpone the ARMM elections that reforms are needed now in the ARMM to prepare for elections after two years but one can always use such kind of reasoning to postpone the National Elections especially if the one sitting in power would want to extend his/her term or would want to put his/her favorite people in power.  After all what is happening in the ARMM now is not much different from the situation in many places in the country.  This is setting a very dangerous precedence. This is worse than the midnight appointments of GMA because in broad daylight the people in ARMM are made to swallow the people they did not vote to govern and make reforms for than by PNoy and his advisers. Besides, reforms and elections are not contradictory to each other.  If the elections are made clean and honest then people can freely chose their candidates whom they think can best represent their interests and make reforms with and for them.  This statement can be said anywhere in the country but more so in the ARMM because the Constitution says that specific date should be set for its elections.

                What is contradictory is reforms and autocracy or dictatorial.  No one can be so genius that he or she can make reforms for the people based on his/her interests and intentions in two years. Besides, we are talking of the ARMM where “A” stands for autonomy which any dictionary will say that autonomy means self-governing of people in specific area, be it political, economic and cultural.  If something is wrong with the political leaders of the ARMM then we should study what are reasons for such failure because it will surely point out to the dictatorial understanding of the autonomy to the national leadership and their anointed ones in the regional leadership.  So why punish the people?  Why deprive them of their inherent right to govern through their chosen representatives?

                From the abovementioned argument, it is very impossible to use the reforms for the ARMM to postpone election on August 8, 2011.  Besides, one is not even sure of whose framework of reforms the proponents are talking about.  And worst, the potential appointees are not known to be capable of instituting genuine reforms at least based on their track record.

                What is left is the Ampatuan and the Peace factors.

                Regarding the case of the Ampatuan, almost everybody knows in the ARMM that the Ampatuan have never left the political scene in the region specifically in the province of Maguindanao, the seat of the ARMM. Physically, the main personalities of the Ampatuan clan are in jail but they continue to govern many parts of the province by remote control aside from their wives and close relatives taking direct control of the different municipalities they had created.  The most important issues here are that they have still the billions of pesos they have stolen from the government.  This is still excluding several millions if not billions worth of jewelries and mansions they have kept away from those obvious ones that they have declared.

And the billions….

                These billions are performing miracles in their favor from their criminal cases (the principal suspects have not been arraigned to this day and that they even want their cases to be dismissed or at least they be brought to the private hospitals) and even in these places they strongly maintain their political influence and control of the province.  Currently, we have not heard of any move from the government to examine the unexplained wealth of the Ampatuans and to recover them for the government.  Right now, it is free for all.  Hence, it is not surprising that different groups (political  and military) have been looking, digging and killing each other for these hidden wealth and treasures.  The government especially the AFP has a good advantage over the others because they can always reason out that they are in specific area digging for hidden and buried weapons.  In the last few months, there has been news that hundreds of millions of pesos had been found.  Were those amounts given back to the government? No one knows.

                At this stage, it is very important to note that the monies and jewelries of the Ampatuan were moved out just before the declaration of Martial Law in the province of Maguindanao and Cotabato City after the November 23, 2009 massacre. This is a good lead to investigate the role of the GMA government in the Ampatuan case before, during and after November 23, 2009.

                In their haste, the Ampatuans and their operators have to use even the banks to hide the billions of pesos and dollars they had stolen from the government. People they know with bank accounts had a surprise in their lives to find the millions which suddenly appeared in their accounts.

                And because of the government’s inaction, these amounts have been slowly recovered by the Ampatuans to be used for their purpose as to influence their cases and election are just some of them. Why is it that the government of PNoy not doing something about this?  What is the banks’ role in this highly criminal act?

                Is this the reason why PNoy and his adviser would want to postpone the elections?  Are they buying time to recover these billions of pesos and dollars and those very expensive imported jewelries? If they want to get back the monies and jewelries for the government, then it is very important that it will be transparent and the people should know.

And the guns…?

                As of this writing, we have not heard of the government’s move to recover the guns of the Ampatuans? Why? Do PNoy and his advisers afraid to touch sensitivities here? Surely if serious actions have to be made regarding the recovery of the guns of Ampatuans, top tanking military officials will be implicated.  The serial numbers of the guns and ammunitions of the Ampatuans are still readable and the sources easily  identified.  A new Division Commander has just taken his position but what happened to the efforts of the past Division Chief and his predecessor?
                Urgent moves should be immediately done here because those guns are fast changing hands and we should avoid a day where the ordinary soldiers on the fields be felled by their own guns and ammunitions.  If recovering these guns and ammunitions is one of the reasons for PNoy and his advisers in postponing the August 2011 election, then they will have surprise in their lives.  There are already areas in Maguindanao and elsewhere that these guns have been displayed and those with monies can buy them – sky is the limit and politicians are not excluded from those who want to possess these guns.

And the Peace Agreement…

                Regarding the argument/reason that the postponement of ARMM elections will prepare the people of the region for the peace agreement which will eventually be reached between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

                This kind of argument is assuming too so much that the MILF will certainly agree with the political framework of the Philippine government.  And in case the MILF will not agree, should we again postpone the ARMM election?  But in case they will agree with the political framework of the government, does this mean that the people of ARMM will automatically agree also?

                The issue on the peace agreement should be grounded on the sincerity of both parties in direct consultation of the peoples of ARMM.  This means not only the Moros but the Indigenous and Christian peoples as well.  The failure of the ARMM project is precisely because the major peace stakeholders are always left out in the negotiating table and for the government only the revolutionary front is considered for accommodation and for the liberation front only their interests are given due attention, all the rest will be given attention after the signing of a peace agreement.

                Any genuine and sustainable peace agreement can be reached if all the peoples or at least the broadest sections of peoples are considered and consulted in a free and democratic manner and not just to inform and update them of the process and the results.  And this takes time, no external pressures can hasten or delay such a democratic process.  Surely, the two years transition period of the PNoy government cannot fully prepare for such a sustainable endeavor.


                Pushing through with the ARMM election in August 8, 2011 and all the abovementioned issues among others be tackled by the candidates in a fair level playing fields will be the best political and constitutional move that PNoy and his adviser can do for the people in ARMM.  It will be best if PNoy, his advisers and the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) will come full force to make sure that this election will be fair, honest and clean.

PNOY and the ARMM Elections

Richard de Silva
May 14, 2011

PNOY One Year After

                More than ten(10) months since President Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) has started his presidency with a solemn vow to stop corruption in the government in particular and the country in general.  In fact, his campaign slogan during the May 10, 2010 elections “Walang Mahirap pag Walang Korap” (there will be no poor if there is no corruption), has made a big difference between him and all the other Presidential candidates.  His landslide victory was made possible because more than fifty percent (50%) of the voters believed and identified with him.

                But that was more than ten months ago, today the bleak reality has come down to millions of poor people that there has not been much difference between PNoy and his predecessors.   In fact in some areas he shows signs that he is worst than his immediate predecessor GMA (Gloria Macapagal Arroyo).  Results of surveys have shown that his downtrend direction seems unstoppable.  His fights against corruption have met head on collision with the people and mechanism set-up by GMA and initial results show that PNoy is knocked down in every turn.  The so-called advisers around him and his dependence on them have made things worst and people have began to react and it will just be a matter of time when a symbols like a poor and unemployed person out of desperation will burn himself/herself in public like in Tunisia and people will converge in EDSA like in the Egyptian Tahrir Square to start or restart an EDSA uprising.  That is if PNoy will not made a major rethinking and refocusing his presidency and his priorities.

Focusing and Prioritizing

                PNoy and all his advisers have known long ago that GMA and her people have set-up her continued governance even when she is long out of her presidency.  One can easily spot these mechanisms, several of which were made possible through her midnight appointments in the Supreme Court and in all anti-graft and corruption instrumentalities.  Hence, PNoy should avoid confronting these territories head on otherwise he will be facing Constitutional dead-ends and debates and  in effect derailing and delaying his corruption campaigns. He should concentrate on winning concrete battles and proceed from there.

                Educate the people and rally them towards the goals of eliminating corruption and improving their lives through empowerment and not dole outs can help in moving forward  while strengthening his grounds for  more battles ahead.

                At this stage, PNoy should identify areas where he is sure to win with the people and prepare to mobilize them again for bigger and difficult battles.

                Reproductive Health Bill or RH Bill is very important but it is surely dividing the people and it is an area where the people of GMA has prepared  a political ambush for PNoy.  Currently,  signs are showing that this Bill is dividing, derailing and delaying his campaign against corruption.  At this stage, the Church can be the best and reliable ally in PNoy’s campaign against corruption.  Winning the Church hierarchy at this stage on Pnoy’s side is very important asset than liability.  Obviously, the GMA people and the opposition do not want the division to disappear.

The ARMM Elections and the Ampatuans

                PNoy’s position on postponing ARMM elections is an example of not hitting his aim, in fact, it is surely bringing him down lower than his immediate predecessor.

                Achieving reforms is not contradictory to getting a broader democratic support  that can be best express through elections.  But PNoy or his advisers want to convey a message to the nation in general and to the ARMM in particular that having elections in the ARMM now is not achieving reforms or worst having a democratic exercise such as election is contradictory in achieving reforms. And what is unthinkable is that PNoy wants to be dictator worst than Marcos, because he wants to appoint the people in the ARMM Executive and Legislative bodies, who will be directly accountable and responsible only to him or his advisers for more than 2 years.  At least Marcos at the peak of this power had to create a modicum of legality to do this  but PNoy and his advisers want that only in being authoritarian can reforms be done in ARMM.

                Everybody knows that ARMM is a failed political case where the word autonomy is understood as autocracy at least  by the leaders supported by the previous administration.  But PNoy should make a difference at least the people of ARMM believed then during the May 2010 elections.  The Maguindanao massacre in Nov 2009 has shown one of the ugliest results of the impunity created by the symbiotic interests of GMA and the Ampatuans.

                PNoy can make a concrete difference if he gives full support to solving the Maguindanao massacre and punishing the guilty.  At this stage, it is clear that only the lawyers of the accused are pretending that their clients are innocent.  PNoy should at least help in the campaign that the trial should be made public thru live coverage and people will see if the millions of pesos paid to the lawyers of the Ampatuans can make the accused and their defenders look people straight into their eyes.

                One of the reasons put forward by PNoy and his advisers for postponing the ARMM elections is to prevent the return of the influence of the Ampatuans in the elections (August 8, 2011).  But it is nowhere in this  reasoning that states that the Ampatuans  have not lost their control even when they are in  jail. In fact, they have become as powerful as when they were in office. Through their cellphones and their operators, they have been  meeting their people in the region.  They have retained effective control of their billions in pesos and dollars as well as their powerful guns.

                Actually, the people of ARMM is wondering why there are no moves from PNoy side to pursue these areas.  Sources are coming out that PNoy and his advisers (including from his family) know where  the money of the  Ampatuan are.  The Central Bank can start the paper trails.  Yes, paper trails because the people are made to believe that the Ampatuans are not fan of the banks.  That was true in the past but not now they have to hide part of their billions in haste in the banks because of the Martial Law, which they were given timely warning by PNoy’s predecessor.  Hence, time to move and bury their monies and guns.

                And now, because of PNoy’s inaction, the Ampatuans have started to recall these amounts.  Surely, these can influence the elections in August 2011 and even the  2013 elections.  As these amounts have influenced the criminal cases they are facing in their favor.  Hence, postponing the election in August 2011 is not a solution besides is too presumptuous for PNoy and his advisers to think that the PNoy’s appointees can solve the problem.  In fact, as we have known, the identities of their favorite appointees, they can even make things worst for signs have shown that these potential appointees can even be worse than the Ampatuans notwithstanding their affinity to the Ampatuans by marriage and political connections

What about the Guns?

                For months now, PNoy and Congress have been talking about corruptions in the military.  In fact, is has focused mainly on the J6 or the controllership or specifically Lt. Gen Ligot (ret) and Major Gen.  Garcia (ret). Of course, this is very important but it makes people in the ARMM or elsewhere in the country think that the case of ARMM and the Ampatuans have been  intentionally avoided.  If PNoy and his advisers are serious about solving the corruption in the military, the case  of Ampatuans and their methods of acquiring their arsenals is sure way to lead in to the right way (daang matuwid). All those guns found or unearthed in the many properties and compounds of the Ampatuans have shown clear identifications of their sources – from the AFP.  How the Ampatuans got their Barrett guns (50 calibre specialized for sniping) which only few are in possession of the elite AFP units are worth of serious thinking.  Worst these guns are finding their ways to different groups not excluding the rebel groups like MILF but worst the Ampatuan relatives(those in wanted list) and followers are freely bringing their guns to former MILF 105 brigade commander Ameril Ombra Kato’s  Moro Islamic Freedom Fighters (MIFF).

                Surely these guns and those who are in possession of them can influence the results of the elections in 2011 and more so in 2013.

                PNoy and his advisers can start concretely on the serious investigation of how these guns came into the possessions of the Ampatuan and their followers and they will surely arrive in the doorsteps of his predecessor and the generals (active and retired) who received millions of pesos from the Ampatuans to facilitate the arms transfer from the AFP arsenal to the Ampatuan arsenal and now to the people or the so-called “enemy of the state” who can easily purchased the guns in the market.

                And what is important in their processes is that the people in the ARMM and the whole country will be supportive and joining PNoy in walking through the “daang matuwid” (right way). Proceeding with 2011 (August) election in ARMM will be the most appropriate way to do this and sustain the fight against corruption and punish the guilty, and the corrupt.

The  Need to Proceed with 2011 ARMM Elections

                In less than ten working days , the Senate will decide whether to agree to postpone the ARMM elections and synchronize it to the National Elections in 2013.  Some of the honorable senators especially the four Liberal Party members (PNoy Partymates) have already agreed. It is just a matter of adapting HB 4146 which the House of Representatives had already adapted with the votes influenced by the pork barrel and the quid pro quo arrangement with signing for the Impeachment of Ombudsman Gutierrez and approving the Heroes Burial for the late dictator Marcos.  Now, the Senate is facing a not so different situation, where Senator Bongbong Marcos, Jr.,  Chair of the Constitutional Reform Committee which is in charge of making the amendment for the postponement of the August 2011 ARMM election as stated in the R.A. 9054. It will not be far-fetched, the burial of his father will not be used as quid pro quo arrangement.

                Hence, the possibility of postponing the ARMM August elections in 2011 is becoming greater.  Already the deadline of filing the candidacy for the ARMM Executive and Legislative positions have been moved thrice.  A clear sign that the COMELEC headed by the former Comelec Commissioner, the maker of GMA, Garcillano protégé (Rey Sumalipao) is awaiting for the Malacanang signal.

                Surely, if the ARMM election is postponed, Pnoy will be one of the worst President the country has ever had.

To have or Not to have Elections in ARMM

Richard de Silva
May 27, 2011

The Local Government Committee of the Senate will have one more consultation/hearing next week (May 31, 2011) on Senate Bill (SB) 2756 and House Bill (HB) No. 4146 before Congress adjourns Sine Die on June 9, 2011.  It is definitely a race against time with the Commission on Election (COMELEC) declaring that the ARMM election on August 8, 2011 will be done manually if the Senate fails to decide on the postponement by the end of May.

                Malacañang is exerting more pressure on the Senate because it desperately wants to postpone the August 8, 2011 ARMM elections in order to make sure that reforms in the Region will be in place in time for 2013 when the Regional elections will be synchronized with the National elections during that year.  Malacañang  believes that these needed reforms can be best done with its appointed officials from Executive to the Legislative bodies of the Autonomous Region.

                The COMELEC had already repeatedly postponed the dates of filing of the Certificates of Candidacy for the August 8, 2011 elections and the May 25, 2011 extended deadline was really the last date to accommodate the filing of the Administration’s favored candidate.

                As of this writing, Senator Bongbong Marcos, Jr., the Chair of the Committee on Local Government is standing strong for broader consultations with stakeholders because according to him “it was the bill’s “assault” on the ARMM voters’ rights to suffrage and “disregard” of the region’s autonomy that has raised the alarm in the Committee over the bill that essentially scraps the scheduled elections in August in favor of allowing Malacañang  to just simply handpick their next leaders.”

                When the deadline of the filing of Certificates of Candidacy (CoCs) was finally over by midnight of May 25, 2011, fourteen (14) candidates for ARMM Governor and sixteen (16) candidates for the Vice-Governor have filed their CoCs.  And surely, the Administration’s favored candidate is on the list. But with no formal endorsement as of this time because of several reasons that only the Administration can believe just like their reasons for its attempt to postpone the elections.

                But as of this time, the Administration is still hoping that within a few days (8 days to be exact before Congress adjourns), the Senate can still change its mind and approves the SB 2756 and with HB 4146. They can be merged so that the August 8, 2011 ARMM elections will be postponed and synchronized it to the 2013 National Elections and the Administration can appoint its favorite people to manage and administer ARMM until 2013.

Contradicting itself; The Beginning of Self-Destructions…

                The situation which the Administration is putting itself makes the COMELEC’s position of postponing the elections becoming obvious in accommodating the wishes of the Administration. It (COMELEC) has to put an end to the postponement syndrome without giving clear reasons for it. Hence, on the midnight of May 25, 2011, the Administration has to let its favorite filed his COC without a running mate and without official endorsement but worst by doing so it (administration) clearly contradicts itself.

                Months ago, the PNoy Administration through its various advisers have been saying that there is a need to postpone the August 2011 ARMM elections because reforms should be in place first before any genuine elections can be held.  Simply put, PNoy and his advisers believe that ARMM and its people at this period  is not capable of electing its officials because they are not prepared and reforms can only be done by the Administration’s appointed officials who, will make sure that ARMM is ready for elections in 2013.  According to various Administration’s spokepersons, advisers and their civil society movements during this period the influence of Ampatuan-type of command votes and warlordism will be eliminated, the ARMM will be audited so that corruption will be eliminated and even prepare for the GPH-MILF Comprehensive Compact Peace pact which accordingly will be signed before or during the reign of its appointed officials.

                The Administration strongly believes that these noble reasons are enough to make the people in ARMM not see its dictatorial policy and manipulation.

                In Fact, the Administration of PNoy is so engrossed in believing its own reasons that they even forget that people in the Arab world and North Africa are rising to oust their own dictators and build their democratic institutions.

                And now, why make this opportunistic move to let its favorite politician file his COC at the last minute (although without official endorsement) when it strongly believes that no meaningful elections can be held in ARMM now? What if the Senate approves with some modifications SB 2756?

                Did the Administration have its own experience on the “Road to Damascus”? Does the Administration of PNoy now believe that reforms can best be performed with the mandate of the people in ARMM? Will the elections of ARMM in August 8, 2011 (if it pushes through) be clean and meaningful and where the playing field is level?

Agonizing Moments…

                As the days are fast approaching, the nth reset date of the COMELEC for filing of the COCs and with no positive sign of changing the Senate’s mind through its Committee on Local Government, the Administration of PNoy and his advisers are trying their best to prepare for Plan B – that is if the August ARMM elections push through, how would they prepare?  President Noynoy Aquino himself had said days before when asked about the Administration slate for the ARMM elections that, it is awkward for the Administration to prepare for a slate for the ARMM elections because it wants its postponement.”

                But since the Administration’s favorite politician has to face a level playing field in August 8, 2011 elections, they have to do overtime to project its favorite because he is unknown entity in the ARMM.  One has to recall that he did not even win in the 2010 elections in his own  province but one thing prominent to this person is he got his wife appointed (midnight appointment) by GMA as Executive Director of a government agency. HIs only qualification is being a billiard buddy of PNoy and a “friend” of PNoy’s Political Adviser.

                In such awkward situation, not even the not-so secret endorsement of the Administration had convinced a prominent politician in Lanao Sur to agree to be a running mate of the Administration’s favorite. He (Lanao Sur politician) simply asked the Administration’s favorite if he can deliver votes from his island province because in Lanao del Sur he can easily deliver votes for the tandem.  And since the Administration’s favorite could not answer in positive then he had to file his COC without a vice governor.

                It is very important to note, that some close advisers/secretaries e.g. Sec. Robledo of DILG had asked the Administration’s favorite to just slide down to the Vice Governor position but the favorite has to ask PNoy to retain him as candidate for Governor at the day before the final deadline set by the COMELEC for filing the COC. And so it was, and so it is… and so it will be...

                In the coming days and months, one can still expect political realignment just before the elections and after 8 days when it will be final that the elections will not be postponed, we can expect the Administration to show its muscles to support its favorite candidate.  Government machineries will be asked to tow the line of the PNoy Administration.  Even these well-known proponents for the  postponement (like the civil society movements created by the Administration favorites to support his appointment as ARMM Governor) of the ARMM elections will be unashamedly proclaiming that reforms indeed can be achieved in the ARMM if people will vote for their candidate/s.  The practice of traditional politics by PNoy Administration will be clearly manifested in these elections. Worst is it will be done by people who are now in the Administration as part of the ruling coalition who were voted by the people because of their anti-trapo and anti-corruption campaign platforms.

ARMM – A Continuing Failure…

                With these developments, it is not hard for people to understand why ARMM has been a failure. The way the PNoy Administration is acting now makes people know why there are people like the Ampatuans and soon why there will be billions stolen and mansions build and another “Maguindanao massacre” unfolded right in the very eyes of the people. It will not be hard to understand why the Moro people and soon the others as well (Indigenous People) have been fighting for their inherent right to self-determination. And if the current Liberation Front will sign a “Peace Agreement” with the PNoy Administration during its term, it will not be impossible to see other groups rising up again to fight for the same struggle only that it can be more extreme and fundamentalist. And people will understand the role of PNOy and his so-called advisers because their hands will be full of blood and people will surely not forget.